Červeně jsou označeni psi, kteří mají v této databázi více než jednoho OCD+ potomka v první generaci s více než jedním partnerem
Modře jsou označeni psi, kteří mají v této databázi více než jednoho OCD+ potomka v první generaci, ale pouze s jedním partnerem
Podtržení jsou psi, kteří mají v této databázi uvedeného více než jednoho potomka (který je buď sám OCD+ nebo má takového potomka v první generaci)
Kurzívou jsou psi, kteří v této databází mají alespoň jednoho pravého sourozence

A'Dream in Blue Destiny Love

Brendy Cinderella's Ranch

Dylen Blue z Bengasu

Qatma Bohemia Alké

I'm Just Yours Gasko Prim

Babsi Foxy Fox

Clan-Abby NZ Carolyns Dylan

Abigail z Českých hvozdů

Laila Gulden Land

Amadeus Imperium Ovem

Brisca Gulden Land

Treloss Red ISDS 287597

Energy Akumulator

Clydebank Brit

Adam Exciter

Ardetta Darley Arabian

Adam Foxy Fox

Ferine Bohemia Alké

Wendevick Usecasper

Daryl Bohemia Alké

Aran Coly Queen

Adriana z Českých hvozdů

Laila Gulden Land

Amadeus Imperium Ovem

Brisca Gulden Land

Treloss Red ISDS 287597

Energy Akumulator

Clydebank Brit

Aella z Nefritu

Be Happy od Zlatonosné říčky

Ace del Mulino Prudenza

Blackie Foxy Fox

Ike Of Magic Border's

Zellik Vericheeky


Agi ze Stáje Arna

Jola Fitmin

Dick White Head Tennant

Judy Akumulator

Just the One Gasko Prim

Deuce Czechmate

Wendevick Zephyr

Aira Pitipitipa

Ainny Daisynina Dvora

Azer Meg Bor

Energa Slezský hrádek

Just For Fun Black Chevers

Camey Moravia Zaurak

Wendevick Zephyr

Aithra Star Simple Elegance

Azzaria Nyx Od Čeníčka

Fort Victory Daighti Gee

Liza's Border Vega Blue

Filip ze Skalistých hor

Grenaby Lady In Red

Ludgate Red Laser

Aki z Krojčenku

Windy Miveko

Black Jack Trust Your Heart ISDS 301537

Queen Miveko

Fenwick Danny ISDS 247170

Astra Pepper ISDS 278040

Roy ISDS 266416

Amy Cookie Lighting Fire

Bianka z Lebedova Dvora

Cassidy z Bengasu

Cress Glow Ambra Professional

Arien Aglar Wonderfull Dream

Babsi Foxy Fox

Ghost of Pinewood Country

Annie Caramell Smart Destiny

Hine Slezský hrádek

Brownstone At Mystic Pearl

Briggi Foxy Fox

Hector Czechmate

Justice At Real Pearl

Bayshore's Count Chocula

Apolena z Českých hvozdů

Laila Gulden Land

Amadeus Imperium Ovem

Brisca Gulden Land

Treloss Red ISDS 287597

Energy Akumulator

Clydebank Brit

Argonaut ze Stříbrné Planety

Anabell Wonderfull Dream

Ghost of Pinewood Country

Dream of Kintyre Diamond Rose

Cid Akumulator

Angelface of Pinewood Country

Kuhaylan's Australia Red Shane B

Aria Lighting Fire

Bianka z Lebedova Dvora

Cassidy z Bengasu

Cress Glow Ambra Professional

Arien Aglar Wonderfull Dream

Babsi Foxy Fox

Ghost of Pinewood Country

Armani z Ulicy Zamkowej

Iwa z Uroczyska

Borderline Country Justinstyle

Illy z Debowego Vzgórza

Agent Double 0 Seven Never Never Land

Borderline Country Extacy

Waveney Caught In Time

Armin Blue Poneka

Naughty But Nice Gasko Prim

Trumagik Touch The Tartan

I'm Smarti Gasko Prim

Kuhaylan's Oz-The Candyman-M

Trumagik Toucho Highland

Clan-Abby Hiland Trekker

Aroma Chilli Redrob Fenix

Never Never Land Va Va Voom

Whirlwinds Daithi Go For It ISDS 292426

Yazina’s Saphir Fantasy

Kamarda Schumacher

Whirlwind's Brains And Beauty Go For It ISDS 288578

Laetare Bowler Jack ISDS 288580

Áron z Ginina mirošovského Podbrdí

Gina z Nečtinského Podhradí

Crazy Brown Gasko Prim

Coura Hrdlička

Fenwick Danny ISDS 247170

Tosari Flies High

Clan-Abby Nz's Black Magic

Arthur Plush Berry

Dwarf Tiny z Černobílých

Alf Border Town

Henriet Czechmate

Cassidy Fantasy z Černobílých

Bára Black Chevers

Wendevick Usecasper

Asterix Bellus Nitor

Amélie Brouček

Faehunden's OBOY ISDS 293631

Cate from the Narrow Lane

Arien Aglar Wonderfull Dream

Lockeye Hazel

Lowland's Blacksmith Red

Ataya Wild Thiwahe

Coffe Princess z Jasmínových Hor

Soul Almighty At Pic Pokey

Angie z Jabloňového Dvora

Detania Victory

Bay of Gold

Waveney Cought in Time

Attie Brown Suneca

Astra ze Stříbrné Planety

Extasy from Imkes Friends

Anabell Wonderfull Dream

Ghost of Pinewood Country

Cilke From Imkes Friends

Karrider Kind of Magic

Baby Doll Poneka

Naughty But Nice Gasko Prim

Nahrof Dealer Takes All

I'm Smarti Gasko Prim

Kuhaylan's Oz-The Candyman-M

Nahrof Don't Say A Thing

Yarrancoly The Real Deal

Bastet z Nefritu

Be Happy od Zlatonosné říčky

Calypso Carl Hardy Horde

Blackie Foxy Fox

Ike Of Magic Border's

Annie Dot Hardy Horde

Ghost of Pinewood Country

Berenice z Nefritu

Be Happy od Zlatonosné říčky

Calypso Carl Hardy Horde

Blackie Foxy Fox

Ike Of Magic Border's

Annie Dot Hardy Horde

Ghost of Pinewood Country

Black & White Katemy

Ambra z Dublovické Samoty

And Ray Charles Tender Flash

Bonny Ayky

Ted from Scottish Roy vom Beutenhof

Ginger Brown Gasko Prim

Idrus Bohemia Alké

Black & White Unique Forever

Amaze By Fate Unique Forever

Rising Sun Spot at Narrow Lane

Anet z Česalky

Ted from Scottish Roy vom Beutenhof

Rising Sun She's A Big Star ISDS 269403

Rising Sun Handsome Ladd ISDS 270310

Black Pearl Poneka

Naughty But Nice Gasko Prim

Nahrof Dealer Takes All

I'm Smarti Gasko Prim

Kuhaylan's Oz-The Candyman-M

Nahrof Don't Say A Thing

Yarrancoly The Real Deal

Blade Deabei

Cézaré Aibara

Detania Victory

Adelaide Czech Highland

Dante Darley Arabian

Detania Florabelle Again

Claygar Boot Scootin' Boogie At Accra

Blanche Jackie Carwera

Bailey od Dupíků

Timothy Foxy Fox

Ally Dajavera

Cassidy z Bengasu

Simaro Angela Lansbury

Kerrybrent Nz Midnite Solo

Blonde Corlan Gi

Quazi Miveko

Perfect Grimm

Fairlea Nan ISDS 255577


Flash (ISDS 277989)

Jaff (ISDS 231424)

Borderbay Domino

Borderbay Limited Edition

Devoted One of Maranns Home

Midnight Star

Glentress Lord Othe Chat

Arnpriors From Here to Eternety

Ginnylands Red Arrow

Bouncy Queen Poneka

Naughty But Nice Gasko Prim

Nahrof Dealer Takes All

I'm Smarti Gasko Prim

Kuhaylan's Oz-The Candyman-M

Nahrof Don't Say A Thing

Yarrancoly The Real Deal

Casey Eve Nebeský sen

Brilliant Bucky Dream of Joy

Ready Steady Go Gasko Prim

Forever Svěží Vítr

Lucky for You Broadway

From Borders Home Elegant Black

Flair Kiwi Kobi at Lochburn

Cassis Ayky

Blondie Ayky

Ted from Scottish Roy vom Beutenhof

Ateax Ayky

Clydebank Brit

Yen of the Racy Kate vom Beutenhof

Roy of Dalmillington

Cessie Wendaja

Chalva z Nečtinského Podhradí

Argo Wendaja

Coura Hrdlička

Fenwick Danny ISDS 247170

Ája Dajavera

Fire on Ice of Maranns Home

Ciro Hvězda Els

Hottie GrAnt Bohemia Alké

Black Jack Trust Your Heart ISDS 301537

Liz Bohemia Alké


Astra Pepper ISDS 278040

Roy ISDS 266416

Cola z Vysokého Újezda

Erna Suleana

Coudy od Ančičky

Axa Suleana

Gerri Miveko

Craigbank Chockie ISDS 247168

Amis Agrokiwi

Cyrus Hvězda Els

Hottie GrAnt Bohemia Alké

Black Jack Trust Your Heart ISDS 301537

Liz Bohemia Alké


Astra Pepper ISDS 278040

Roy ISDS 266416

Dag Small Speedy Dream

Finnty Fey Aibara

Hardy Gulden Land

Bonny Bee Aibara

Dante Darley Arabian

Anye Gulden Land

Treloss Red ISDS 287597

Def Leppard Sub Tilia

Andromeda Sub Tilia

Zeerookah BC aus der Alten Noris

Glamour Girl Gasko Prim

Faust Foxy Fox

Taita Vom Weideland

Dark With Magic Eyes

Dino Ferrari Speedy Dream

Finnty Fey Aibara

Hardy Gulden Land

Bonny Bee Aibara

Dante Darley Arabian

Anye Gulden Land

Treloss Red ISDS 287597

Dreaming Princess Plush Berry

Aiwa Plush Berry

Just For Fun Black Chevers

Dwarf Tiny z Černobílých

Alf Border Town

Wonder of Kate's Sam vom Beutenhof

Liza's Border Q Red

Electric Brown Gasko Prim

Tosari Flies High

Idrus Bohemia Alké

Detania Brazen

Tosari Chekika

Forth Bohemia Alké

Detania Panja's Flash

Eire Sunny od Knínické studánky

Ace Crazy od Knínické studánky

Yankee at Real Pearl

Diuca Darley Arabian

Beauty Flash Hardy Horde

Jodie Foster at Real Pearl

Bayshore's Count Chocula

Eireen Devon Exe

Angelina Dajavera

Yankee at Real Pearl

I'm Special For Gasko Prim

Vigour of Blackmountain Agassi

Jodie Foster at Real Pearl

Bayshore's Count Chocula

Fiona Deabei

Copak Deabei

Kuhaylan's Oz-Cuba Libre-W

Apu Brown Tender Flash

Detania Victory

Wildblue Infinity

Kerrybrent Nz Midnite Solo

Gawain z Temného hvozdu

Crazy Dot Aibara

Dax Gulden Land

Adelaide Czech Highland

Dante Darley Arabian

Anye Gulden Land

Akersborg Sid ISDS 284130

Heart Look z Temného Hvozdu

Crazy Dot Aibara

Dax Gulden Land

Adelaide Czech Highland

Dante Darley Arabian

Anye Gulden Land

Akersborg Sid ISDS 284130

Christian Kogito Easter

Kasia Rubínové srdce

Ice Gulden Land

Charollais Rubínové Srdce

Arien Aglar Wonderfull Dream

Fuchtle Hrdlička

Harry Miveko

Jasmine Flower Tennant

Borderline Country Incredible

Wylie Golden Reward

Hotlee Take Ito Thelimit

Vigour of Blackmountain Agassi

Trumagik Secret Whisper

Korella Krystal Reward

Joey Alkyra

Dancing Queen Alkyra

Kid Gulden Land

Avenue Alkyra

Just For Fun Black Chevers

Mawlch Bess ISDS 291218

Trust Your Heart Around The World ISDS 293016

Keen (ISDS 323144)

Bess (ISDS 290236)

Glen (ISDS 296336)

Tina (ISDS 264563)

Spot (ISDS 225008)

Glenda (ISDS 269913)

Glen (ISDS 244489)

Keeny Rose Dajavera

I'm Special For Gasko Prim

Brownstone At Mystic Pearl

Tosari Czech This Out

Tonkory Valley of The Storm

Justice At Real Pearl

Bayshore's Count Chocula

Lucky Star Tennant

Highland Rose Tennant

Wendevick Keepsake

Borderline Country Incredible

Trucharm Read All About It HIC

Heartland Bwendevick

Jessomine Showi Ozskite

Luna Tale Ichor

Luna Tale Cute

El Bandito from the Narrow Lane

Xennah (ALSH 56770)

Vhip (LOSH 803040)

Ness of the Racy Kate vom Beutenhof

Laetare Bowler Jack ISDS 288580

Nessie Rubínové srdce

Hane Rubínové srdce

Ekr Hrdlička

Aicha Suzi Z Marpy Bohemia

Irihan Boldflash

Aber Cassie ISDS 251936


North Gulden Land

Fuchtle Hrdlička

Astra Fox ISDS 281571

Flocka Gemma ISDS 255036


Meg ISDS 267569

Astra Mars ISDS 248493

Odetta Fitmin

Fera Fitmin

Crazy Brown Gasko Prim

Jut Akumulator

Faust Foxy Fox

Tosari Flies High

Clan-Abby Nz's Black Magic

Oki Doki Aibara

Brenda Lee Tender Flash

Heaven And Hell z Černobílých

Ginger Brown Gasko Prim

From Borders Home Unique Sem

Etual Enigma z Černobílých

Cherokee Rubínové Srdce

Paddy Akumulator

D yna Miveko

Alf Border Town

Etna Akumulator

Frankie Akumulator

Bára Black Chevers

Wendevick Usecasper

Qua Qua Star Aibara

Jackie Sprite Aibara

Heaven And Hell z Černobílých

Brenda Lee Tender Flash

Dick White Head Tennant

Etual Enigma z Černobílých

Cherokee Rubínové Srdce

Super Clyde

Meg (ISDS 305211)

Jimmy (ISDS 303638)

Gem (ISDS 280249)

Moss (ISDS 282254)

Fly (ISDS 261975)

Spot (ISDS 262341)

Tequila Aibara

Nora Gulden Land

Pit Gulden Land

Fuchtle Hrdlička

Astra Fox ISDS 281571

Mawlch Bess ISDS 291218

Treloss Red ISDS 287597

U'n Me Gasko Prim

Never Ending Love Gasko Prim

Infinity of Sun Loch Valley

I'm Smarti Gasko Prim

Kuhaylan's Oz-The Candyman-M

Winpara Aurora Australis

Illusion in Red from Borders Paradise

Very Vigorous Gasko Prim

I'm Smarti Gasko Prim

Timothy Foxy Fox

Tosari Czech This Out

Tonkory Valley of The Storm

Simaro Angela Lansbury

Kerrybrent Nz Midnite Solo

Yours forever Gasko Prim

Never Ending Love Gasko Prim

Kayleigh's Sterling Dreamland

I'm Smarti Gasko Prim

Kuhaylan's Oz-The Candyman-M

Sterling Dutch Treat

Waveney Caught In Time